
What is it when you visit a sleepy seaside fishing town on a crisp Autumn day that makes you crave hot chips?

I was in Lorne along the Great Ocean Road spending a couple of days on the edge of the Great Otway Ranges. I decided to arrive a day early to enjoy the sites and relax prior to commencing a 25km hike the next day.

Lunch time yay! All I want is hot chips! My wander around the town leads me along the Erskine River, the reflections were amazing. The Erskine river flows out to sea under a swing bridge. At the end of the swing bridge was an amazing café, what?! all healthy food no hot chips!!

Swing Bridge
I continued along the beach towards the pier and then back through the lovely old holiday homes then into the main street. I run into a couple of walkers who invited me to have dinner with them. A Noodle shop! oh well. I give up a lost cause… no hot chips today!


The 25km hike starts around 2kms out of Lorne at St George River on The Great Ocean Road.

I continue towards Sheoak Falls, up to the Henderson Falls through the Cannon onto Phantom Falls back along the river through Allendale then up to Teddy’s Lookout for one of the best views along the Great Ocean Rd.
The Great Ocean Road is a very scenic and narrow road. Tourist Buses and Cars all looking at the view and hopefully every now and then spotting a hiker walking on the side of the road. Heading inland at Sheoak Falls the path goes through amazing reeds which are twice the height of me. Gradually climbing up to look at the Henderson Falls. Not a huge amount of water but still very beautiful.


It is always a pleasure for me to walk through our beautiful Australian Bush. Discovering different types of fungi or moss clinging to the sides of the trees. The undergrowth full of rich glorious colours. Greens, orange, whites and browns.

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There are several waterfalls along this walk but the flow is dependant on rainfall.  As you reach the top there is a lovely picnic spot, but beware… if you open up your lunch the Kookaburras believe they have been invited.


Over Friendly Locals

Over Friendly Locals

Meandering down through the forest you reach the Canyon. On a dry day the track shouldn’t be a problem. Before you reach the bottom at the St George River you walk past apple orchards, streams and ponds.IMG_3879

I passed a man with lots of camera equipment and he was determined to take photos of Platypus, unfortunately I didn’t see any so he may have missed them that day. Before hiking back to the mouth of the St George River you can take a detour which takes you up to Teddy’s Lookout. Great views out to sea and along The Great Ocean Road


With the two and a half hour drive back home in front of me, a quick stretch and a take away coffee was calling my name. Driving through Lorne right at the end of the strip of shops I spy a café . “Cappuccino please” I say and when placing my order a plate of steaming Hot Chips and a hamburger float past. I ask “don’t suppose you do take away Chips?” The reply came back with a charming smile

“For You…”