
I leave Glasgow wondering if I had the right impression of this city, as I really only spent one full day here. It looks a very green city when you get away from the main streets, very large parks and gardens. I would have loved to explore the wonderful old buildings more if time permitted but as in so many other towns a lot of the buildings are coming down to allow for expansion. There are many stunning buildings here.

The magnificent Glasgow Cathederal

The magnificent Glasgow Cathedral

Loved the look of this not so magnificent little shop .

Loved the look of this not so magnificent little shop .

I am itching to get back on the trail again. Glasgow has quite a large station and as the train leaves I sit back in the comfort of the Virgin Express to Carlisle and watch the suburbs turn to countryside and once again the apprehension of what I’m about to do hits me. What about the weather, the midges, the hills, my way to heavy pack and what about getting lost? The C2C isn’t a marked track and looking at the GPS maps on my iPad there seems to be a lot of trails out there. This could get interesting!

Getting spoils on the Virgin express train

Getting spoilt on the Virgin express train

I change trains at Carlisle for St Bees and it is a small regional one. Half way along the trip we stop at a station and the two front carriages leave the train and our little carriage travels along the coastal line. I look out the window and see across the sea and further on to  the green hills of Scotland. Walking the WHW in Scotland seems ages ago not days ago.

The quaint railway station of St Bees.

The quaint railway station of St Bees.

St Bees is a lovely village with a very interesting history especially  with the discovery of the St Bees man and the lady in the files, visit
Well, tomorrow we’re off, I am travelling with a friend Trish who has come over from Australia to join me on my journey across England, St Bees to Robin Hoods Bay all 305 kilometres of the C2C.

St Bees

St Bees village.