2018 is fading away into the fog like a morning sun filtering through a field and disappearing as the sun rises. 2019 is coming through bright and shiny and new, ready for new adventures, new inspirations, new places and people to experience. I’m very excited at the prospects.

Hiking has been my passion for many years but certainly came to the forefront the year I turned 60 walking the Camino Frances. Like a good bottle of wine I think I’m getting better with age. Just like dust settling on one of those old bottles, grey is starting to settle on my head and there are a few creaks and cracks appearing, but my enthusiasm for hiking never wains . There certainly are times where my heart skips a beat in certain situations, my brave exterior is showing more than what my inner feelings are feeling. I, like a lot of women, have doubts going out in the bush walking alone, a little noise here and there and my eyes dart sideways or behind me. Caution never goes astray, but the positives certainly outways the negatives. Over the years I’ve meet some wonderful people out there alone on the trail and besides, what’s the alternative, not go! I don’t always hike alone, I have a wonderful friend , ‘My Hiking Buddy ‘. We share trails, laughs, dreams and adventures. I also walk with a woman’s hiking group called ” Lady Birds on the Loose” ,sometimes leading a walk, sometimes just walking with the girls. I love to walk at the end of the group and watch and listen to these gorgeous women, seeing the bush through their eyes. A finger pointed, there’s a Kangaroo camouflaged in the trees, a head bowed down looking at an amazing little orchid, heads up watching eagles soar in the sky. Women encouraging other Women to enjoy life. That to me is the pleasure of walking with a group.

2019 I’ve decided I’m not going to have a bucket list I’m going to have a ‘Live Life ‘ list. I’m sure as the year goes by the list will grow and grow. THANK YOU all for following my blog in 2018 and allowing me to share my experiences with you. May you all have fabulous adventures of your own, and remember ‘walk your own walk’ and leave your “Footprints in the World”.

Here is the start of my ‘LIVE LIFE LIST’

Hike in the Isle of Skye, walk the Robert Louis Stevenson Trail, France, have an overnight hike and sleep in a tent, buy a tent, walk the great Ocean Road, finish my walk around Port Phillip Bay, summit Mt Kosciuszko, (at last) lead more hikes, blog more, eat less chocolate, walk Bay to Bay, Cape to Cape, play a few rounds of golf, learn Italian, drink Prossecco in the Val D’Orcia while the sun sets through the cypress trees and the smokey blue haze drifts through the valley, eat chingalle papperdelle,laugh more, love more, no excuses, train at the Kokoda track more, visit art gallery’s, more Urban walks, whiskey tasting in Scotland, NR500, walk in a vineyard, visit Dario in Panzano “To beef or not to Beef”, get fitter, and to stop buying hiking boots, ( It’s an addiction!)………………..